
Detects hands in an image.

public class HandTracker : IDisposable

Implements System.IDisposable interface.




Creates a new HandTracker object.





Read-Only. The API version.



Read-Only. The API copyright.


NameReturn TypeDescription


Detects hands for the specified Texture2D.

Load(UnityEngine.Color32[], int, int)


Detects the hands from the specified color array, width and height.

Load(byte[], int, int, int)


Detects hands for the specified image data, width, height and channels.



Releases unmanaged resources


The example shows how to detect hands with the HandTracker class.

Create a HandTracker

HandTracker handTracker = new HandTracker();

Detect hands in Texture2D

To detect hands in a Texture2D, create a Texture2D and load an image. There are multiple ways to load an image. You could load it from a webcam using the WebcamSource, from a file in the Assets folder or from a file on your disc.

// Create an empty Texture2D.
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(0, 0);

// Load a file to a byte array.
string filename = "path/to/image";
byte[] rawData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

// Load an byte array to the Texture2D.

After loading the image to the texture there are 3 different ways to detect hands in that image:

The simplest is to detect hands for the specified Texture2D.

List<Hand> hands = handTracker.Load(texture);

If you need to run the detection in another thread, for example, you can get the texture pixels and detect hands for the specified color array.

// Get the texture as a Color32 array.
Color32[] colors = texture.GetPixels32();

// Detect hands for the specified color array.
List<Hand> hands = handTracker.Load(colors, texture.width, texture.height);

Alternatively, you can get the texture raw data and detect hands for the specified byte array.

// Get the texture as a byte array.
byte[] rawData = texture.GetRawTextureData();

// Detect hands for the specified byte array, width, height and channels.
List<Hand> hands = handTracker.Load(rawData, texture.width, texture.height, 3);

Detect hands in an image file

To detect hands in an image file, load the file and detect hands for the specified byte array.

// Load byte array from file.
string filename = "Assets/Images/test.png";
byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

// Detect hands for the specified byte array, width, height and channels.
List<Hand> hands = handTracker.Load(rawData, 500, 500, 3);

Dispose Handtracker

Once tracking is no longer needed, it's recommended to dispose of the HandTracker. You can do that either in the OnApplicationQuit() or the OnDestroy() methods.


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